Saturday 20 February 2016

How To Be Organised AND Productive

I currently have 101 things to do and sometimes being organised just isn't enough to get it all done. When  you've got the gruelling task of writing around 13,000 words in 3 weeks ahead of you and the need to read at least 6 novels you do start to wonder why me, what did I do, and Oh dear god if only I had started sooner. 
But fear not my friends I have a cunning plan to on How to be organised AND productive. 

Timetable the crap out of your life - I literally mean every minute of the working day. If you schedule your day from 7-5 you can get a hell of a lot done without even really trying. Just be loyal to that plan don't divert and do something else as that way you are going to get distracted and inevitably not do what you need to do. It doesn't even matter if you don't finish a task in it's allotted time slot, your bound to finish something quicker than you think and you will be able to go back to that long task later on. You can do this any way you want but recently I've been playing around with elements of Bullet Journalling and I'm quite enjoying it. 
Go on a morning walk - I've already spoken about the benefits of morning walks here. Morning walks really help to perk me up and start my day off right. Its free to do and by god does it help to focus your mind in the day rather than having that slow start in bed that we all crave. 
Schedule breaks - When you're ridiculously busy it's easy to forget that you need some time for yourself as well. Schedule yourself a couple of breaks throughout the day and make the time to get your 3 meals in. If you burn out through over-working it's going to be counter-productive not only for your health but also for the tasks you've set yourself to do. You can guarantee that any work you do when you're burnt out will be inferior to work that you produce when your well rested. 
Change your setting - Sometimes you can become too comfortable sitting somewhere and start to get a little tardy. If your feeling relaxed enough to look at your phone then it's time you moved and changed the scenery a little. It doesn't have to be far, move rooms, move from your bed to your desk or vice versa. Or if you fancy a real change up drag your laptop to the local coffee shop. Sometimes just switching up environments can really help productivity. 
Switch up the work - For instance I have loads of reading and writing to do for uni. However I also blog daily and need to keep up with that. In order for things to not be monotonous and to keep up my productivity I like to schedule reading or blogging for the morning and writing in the afternoon. This gets changed and moved around on an almost daily basis in order to stop me getting into a routine that I feel too comfortable and complacent in. 
Do something for you - A least once a week schedule in something that's purely for you. For your own indulgence. For me this is on a Wednesday morning when Sophie and I go to Starbucks and then have a wander around town (usually ending up in Lush) this really helps me to unwind, de-stress and just have something to look forward to each week. It's strategically placed on hump day as well to give me a boost of motivation going ahead into the week.  



  1. I like this post! We're going to be insanely productive when we're back because we're genuinely so ace at all of these things haha. So psyched for our hump day walks again :-) xx

  2. For someone who is really struggling to be unproductive at the moment this post is extremely helpful! I want to look into bullet journals sounds interesting! Really need to start doing more walks too.

    Hana | ♥

  3. Really love reading posts like this, so so helpful - especially when I'm a newbie in the blogging world and need to find times to be organised and fit it in
    Thanks for sharing!!


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