Friday 19 February 2016

5 Things I Love About Blogging

I've been blogging for 3 years in April. Now that's a long time to be doing something and over the years I have learnt, progressed and grown not only as a blogger but as a writer and as a person. 
When I started this blog I was in my final year of college and didn't really have a clue where I was going with it or with my life and now I'm only a matter of weeks away from finishing my Third Year at University, with a clear idea of where I want to go in life and I think a lot of that is thanks to my blog. So today I thought I would share with you 5 Things I Love About Blogging.
1. Sense of community - The blogging community is great on the whole, of course there are the occasional disagreements (but hey that's life right) but overall the bloggersphere is a community filled with support and love for one another.
2. Writing daily on anything I want - I love the freedom you get with blogging. You can write about anything you want at any time and know that it's your work, your words that are going out into the world for people to read. It's a privilege I don't take for granted and I am thankful for the opportunity daily.
3. Being able to grow as a writer - I feel like since I've been blogging daily I've been able to grow as a writer, not only does it force me to think of fresh new ideas everyday but it helps to hone in my writing and in turn improves the content I'm putting out into the world. 
4.Twitter interaction - I know that I can send out a tweet asking a question and get a reply back on the same day with an answer. I also know that if I'm feeling abit down there will always be at least one person wishing me well and hoping I feel better soon. This ties into my community point but honestly half of why I love blogging is speaking to fellow bloggers on twitter. It's a really lovely feeling to speak to people that you would never have had the chance to otherwise. There are many twitter chats you can get involved in that run weekly and range from a variety of topics.
5. Pride - This may seem particularly vain of me but I really am filled with pride when I look at my little blog. The fact that I've done this all on my own, have written 247 posts, had over 500 comments and have been able to review products from some of my favourite brands makes me so indescribably happy. I absolutely love my blog and it's one of the few things in my life that I can be really proud of. 

So if this hasn't convinced any of you non-bloggers to start blogging I don't know what will! 
But seriously, I do just want to thank every follower, everyone that clicked to read this and everyone that's ever commented. It honestly makes my day and your support means everything to me. 



  1. Awww!! This is sooo lovely!! I also love the blogging community, whenever I get a comment I literally am so happy knowing someone has took the time out of their day to comment, it's very rewarding isn't it! And Twitter is great for making friends, I agree, you can ask a question and get help and advice immediately, there's always someone to wish you well etc, it really is amazing. I'm so glad I found this community, it has made me more confident and happy!! xxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  2. This is a lovely post!! I only just started blogging about a month ago and I love how far I have grown and seeing other people grow :) It's amazing to see such a big community of bloggers interact with each other.

    Kathy xx

  3. I definitely agree with all of these things, the blogging community is amazing and I love interacting with others on Twitter, blogger chats are a lot of fun. x


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