Wednesday 29 May 2013

Revision Hell!

Hey Guys!

Well today's blog is a little different from normal!
As some of you may know I'm currently revising for my A-levels! This means stress, stress and more stress!!!

I am swamped with revision guides and have not really got that far with it! 
My first exam is English on June 3rd and quite frankly I'm crapping myself for it! I have not revised for it as English is practically impossible to revise for and due to a nasty bout of anxiety attacks before the half term, I've not had a lesson for about a month! All I can do is just learn the Key terms off by heart and hope that I know my base text (The Crucible) well enough to get me through! 

I then have (A week today EEK!)  my first Sociology exam which I have revised for but it doesn't make it any less scary! I then have Psychology followed by Sociology and then another Psychology to finish off my exams on June 17th! 

To get to the Uni I want to go to (Canterbury to study Psychology), I will need B, C, C. Which I know doesn't sound like a hard task, but I've had a really crappy 2 years at this college and an even crappier past month! I am not confident in the slightest! 

But here's hoping that they all fly by and I can get them over and done with as quick as possible! 

Are any of you studying for exams? Do you have any exam / revision tips? 
I would love to hear them!!
- Emily xx



  1. Hey, I did my A Levels years ago but I did English Lit, Psychology and Sociology. Drop me a tweet if you need any help @stylishbutskint xx

    1. Hey! Thanks so much! I'm just about coping at the moment but I definately will do if I think of a question! :) xx


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