Tuesday 2 February 2016

My 5 Year Plan

Today I felt like writing a personal post. I share a lot on social media and this blog but I don't often really talk about me and my interests outside of the blogging world. 

Year One - 2016
  • Finish University with a 2:1 - I am currently working my butt off to achieve a 2:1 overall for my degree! I'm studying English Literature at Canterbury Christ Church University at the moment and the course is tough but I'm loving it!
  • Find a Job - I'm really excited to get out into the world of work! After being in some form of education for the past 21 years and never really knowing where I wanted my life to take me until 2015. It feels like it's long overdue! I'm really hoping to get an Editorial Assistant position at a magazine (I've already applied for one that is PERFECT so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my mind hopeful for that!) I love writing and I love print so working for a Magazine is the dream for me.  
  • Create a Food Blog - Dad and I have been joking around with the idea for awhile but then Dad started to think it was actually a great idea. Hopefully after Uni is over, we will be starting a Food Blog focusing on Growing your own fruit and veg, tasty easy recipes and restaurant reviews! It's still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment because Dad is the busiest human I know but fingers crossed we can work something out and get the ball rolling in summer!
  • Move out - Dan and I have been talking about moving out after University for the past year now. We are both really excited about it and think that we've found the perfect location! We are planning on moving out in November as it gives us enough time to save and get ourselves sorted before we find that perfect rented property (That allows Cats... it may take awhile). 
  • Consider Pescetarianism - I have been debating this for awhile now and with my best friend (Soph) going veggie this year it has brought the idea closer to the forefront of my mind. I'm not a massive meat eater as it is and although I enjoy it, I do think it's something I could probably cut out. Fish on the other hand I have been raised on, living in a small seaside town in the middle of nowhere and having a strong sailing heritage does mean that fish is pretty much a staple for my diet and I really couldn't give that up. 
Year Two - 2017
  • Get cats - Both Dan and I are so excited to get animals once we've moved out. We're massive animal lovers and neither of us can imagine living without cats! We're hoping for 2 cats to begin with and I already know what local rescue I'm getting them from (My family cats are both from the same rescue and they are the most perfect little animals anyone could wish for... most of the time) 
  • Develop BBB - Bambi's Beauty Blog has been an ongoing love of mine and I want to keep consistently improving and expanding on it. I already feel like this year I have upped my game with it and I have really fallen in love with my blog again. 
  • Relaunch YouTube - I did dabble with YouTube last year but it was a bit of a flop if I'm being honest. I didn't really know what to do and I didn't actually have the time to produce content I was happy with. I'm hoping that once I've moved out and got my own time and space I will be able to make a YouTube channel I can be proud of. 
  • Go to Italy - I have wanted to travel to Italy for as long as I can remember. I love the Italian food, Culture, Literature. Everything. I am desperate to travel there (so is Dan who has recently found out he has Italian blood as well as Maltese.) so this will definitely be on the agenda for 2017 and I cannot wait!
Year Three - 2018
  • Job Progression - By this point I would like to think I would have accumulated enough experience to get a better paid job or move up in the company I'm working for. I would really like to be earning enough to start paying off my Uni fees by this point!
  • Consider writing that cookery book I've always dreamed of -  I love food it's no lie. I also love writing. I have dreamed of writing my own cookery book ever since I was little and I really hope that at some point in the next 3 years I will be able to sit down with my thoughts and actually come up with something that may one day be good enough to publish. I would focus on organic ingredients and simple Italian food... the good stuff. 
  • Continue saving a deposit for a mortgage! - My Dad is a mortgage advisor and so I know how important it is to save and get a foot on the ladder as soon as possible. I'm hoping by the end of year three Dan and I will be almost there on the deposit front!
  • The 10 year deadline - If any of my close friends or Dan are reading this they will already know, but in April 2018 Dan and I will have been together for 10 years. About 2 years ago I said to Dan if he didn't propose by the time we had been together for 10 years then I would never accept out of principal... it started as a joke but now I'm deadly serious. 
Year Four - 2019
  • Turning 25! - This is a scary realisation for me. I'm struggling enough with the thought of turning 22 this year let alone 25! I'm hoping that I will have got my life together and be an accomplished adult (That will be an accomplishment!
  • Have enough money for a house - I really hope by this point that Dan and I will have gotten our shit together enough to buy a house! Fingers crossed! 
Year Five - 2020
  • Get a dog - I have wanted a dog for the longest time. When I was 10 I made a powerpoint as to why we should get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... it didn't work! I want a French Bulldog and Dan wants a Boxer dog so lets see! 
  • Be happy - I obviously want to be happy all over these 5 years but I really want to feel completely content, settled and truly happy by 2020. 
That's it for my 5 year plan! I can't wait to leave Uni now and get the ball rolling on all these exciting times to come! 



  1. This is such a cute post, I hope you get everything crossed off! I think like you, the first thing I'm going to do when I move into my own home is get two rescue cats.

    1. Thank you! Yes! I can't wait to rescue a couple of cats! :D xx

  2. This is such a lovely post! I think it's really great to have some ideas of where you want to be in the coming years as you can set your mind on it and make it happen! I hope you can find a place in the autumn that allows cats! x

    Rebecca | http://rawrrbeccabeauty.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thank you! I thought it would be really motivational for myself to have it all written online to encourage me to stick to it! Thank you I really hope so too!! xx

  3. This is so cute, it really made me think about where I want to be in 5 years time. You seem so organised!


    1. Thank you!!! I am quite organised, I'm a bit of a planner to be honest! I'm always planning every possible scenario! haha! Thank you for reading! xx

  4. Damn - this is organised! I really have no clue what I'll be doing in 5 years, hopefully will be in a job that I love somewhere haha. Good luck with your list! :)


    1. Haha!!! Thank you!! I do like to be organised!! :D xx

  5. This is one of my fave posts I've read in a while, I thought it was a brilliant idea, and it would be lovely to look back on and see what you have achieved! I love dogs, I'm a crazy dog lady, I think it's wonderful how much you love animals! I hope everything goes to plan for you, and haha I hope your boyfriend proposes;) xxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. Thank you so much that means a lot to me!!! I thought so too! Haha thank you!! My mum hopes so too! lol!! xx

  6. Love this! I love the food blog idea :) xx
    Gyudy @ Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty

    1. Eeeee thank you!! I'm really glad! I'm nervous and excited about that all at once but cooking is a big part of my life so I will be really excited to indulge that side of me a bit more! xx

  7. I love this post! I think I should set myself a 5 year plan, I definitely think you should get cats in year two :P I hope Dan proposes!!! 10 years is a long time, congrats on 8 thought :)

    1. Thank you Sophie! I think they are a really good idea! I can't wait to get cats!! Hahah thank you! It's getting to be a scary number now! I thought 5 years was a big deal but now that we're approaching 8 it's crazy!! :D Thanks for reading!! xx


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