Sunday 14 February 2016

Blog Love - 10 Blogs I Love.

As it is Valentines day I felt it was only appropriate to do a post about something I love. However as I'm not one for that lovey dovey soppy crap I thought I would share with you 10 Blogs that I have been loving recently (or in some cases for quite awhile!) Please go ahead, check them out and share the love!

Sophie from Frilly Socks and Tea - OKAY, so I'm a tad bias here as this is actually my house mate / best friends blog. She writes about vegetarian food and lifestyle with the odd bit of beauty chucked in for good measure. Her food is actually genuinely delicious and I can vouch for it as most of it has been tested on me. 
Gemma from Across This Page - I spoke about Gemma's blog in my January round-up but I didn't feel right not including it in today's post. Gemma is one of the nicest people I have spoken to since I've been blogging and she's a fellow Essex girl, her blog is amazing so I highly recommend you pop over. 
Jen from All Things Lush - This is my go-to blog when I want to find out anything about Lush. I haven't found a product yet that I've been interested in that Jen hasn't already tried and reviewed. I really trust her opinions and her blog is one of the most enjoyable blogs to read. I could spend hours on her site! 
Hana from HanaRosella - Hana is absolutely wonderful. She is one of the nicest people I have spoken to through blogging and her blog is brilliant. Full of informative reviews and down to earth personal posts. She's just an all round good egg and is always spreading positivity. 
Emily from Drained Beauty - I've been reading Emily's blog for quite awhile now and not only does she have a great name (and theme!) but her actual writing is lovely. Filled with stunning photos and an eloquent way with words, this blog is one you should follow. 
Sophie from Sophie Rose - I used to read Sophie's first blog back in 2013-2014 and I loved it back then. I'm so glad she's started blogging again and her cruelty free perspective on things is a real breath of fresh air and has motivated me to start being more concious of where I buy products from in the future. 
Laura from A View from the Balcony - Laura's photography is stunning and she just has one of those blogs that once I sit down to read it I'm there reading as much as I possibly can. I find her blog so relaxing to read and her writing style is so natural. Highly recommend. 
Sian from Cakey Dreamer - Sian is a lifestyle and food blogger and makes the best looking cakes I have ever seen. I actually can't read her baking posts without the immediate urge to pop to the shop and buy a tonne of ingredients to recreate her wonderful recipes. 
Becky from Life by Becky - Becky has a wonderful blog. Lovely photography, interesting content and a genuinely good egg. Becky gives you a bit of everything with a mix of lifestyle, fashion, beauty and book reviews. Such a lovely blog and a lovely girl! 
Caroline from Iridescent Places - Caroline runs a Beauty & Lifestyle blog and it is honestly one of the most enjoyable blogs to read. I can quite happily sit and binge read her blog all night and I recommend you go and do the same!!

So that's it! All 10! I could have added even more amazing blogs that I've been loving but then I fear this post would have become monotonous! Please go ahead and check each of these blogs out. You won't regret it. 



  1. I don't think I have read any of these so I am defneitly going to go and check them out! I love posts like this- sharing the positivity x

  2. So many blogs to check out! Thank you so much for the recommendations :) xx
    Gyudy @ Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty

  3. These are all new blogs to me, so I'm going to check them all out now - thanks! x
    Sweet Dreams

  4. OMG AWW you absolute star!!! That has made my day!! Thank you sooooooo much gorgeous girly. Your blog is one of my faves you are such a lovely person!!! 💗Xxxxxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  5. I love these types of post and discovering new bloggers!!

    Elaine | Some Of My Favourite Things

  6. Thank you so much for your kind words! You're too sweet :) going to check out the other blogs too!

    Hana | ♥

  7. Oh I've only just seen this, but thank you so much! <3 You've listed some of my fave blogs and some others that I haven't read yet so I'm off to go check them out now! Thank you again! xx

    Sian xx Cakey Dreamer


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