Wednesday 5 June 2013


Hey guys!! 

Well I have been nominated for the sunshine awards by the lovely Rebecca from Get set rawrr!
Please, please, please check out this girls blog! She's lovely and her blog is brilliant! :D

Here are all the Rules of the Sunshine Award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you!
2. Post the award logo on your blog!
3. Nominate 5 blogs that you love!
4. Share 7 facts about yourself!

Its that simple! Okay so now im assuming that you want to read my 7 random facts? 

1. I prefer the winter to the summer, in summer you get all hot and sticky and its just difficult to find clothes to wear!
2. I am a cat person, although I do still love dogs.
3. I'm SO undecided in what I want to do as a profession but I'm interested in making my blog into more of a career! I just love writing about beauty and skincare, its so satisfying!
4. I HATE exams, I don't exam well, I don't think its a realistic evaluation of your own learning as you would never be put into a situation where you have to recall a years worth of learning in 1-2 hours in a real life scenario.
5. I LOVE potato. Any potato as long as its potato. 
6. Sweet popcorn makes me feel sick. I LOVE salted popcorn. In fact, I love salted everything!
7. Blogging has made me so ridiculously happy and I hope to be around the blogging community for quite some time!

Ok, so now to nominate some more lovely bloggers
1.  Ellis Rose from

Please check these girls out! I have been loving reading these blogs and I know you will too! 


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