Saturday 15 June 2013

30 Day Snap! Day 13, 14 & 15!

Hey guys!

So sorry I've not posted in ages, I had an awful headache since Thursday evening and have just got rid of it enough to be able to post! 

Sadly, I didn't get to take any photos on Thursday or Friday so instead I've cheated a little and taken photos that represent my days :) I hope you don't mind! 

On Thursday I had my last ever Sociology exam! I'm absolutely thrilled to have gotten that over and done with as I really didn't like Sociology at all! I've thankfully now only got one exam left on Monday and then after that I will be able to dedicate more of my time to my blog! YAY! 

Friday, I spent the entire day in my PJs laying on my bed with this little munchkin, feeling rather sorry for myself! She's such lovely company when I'm ill, I honestly think animals can sense it! 

This morning, I had a lovely delivery. Elemis very kindly offered to send me more products to sample from their freshskin range! I feel very very grateful to Elemis and to you guys as I honestly NEVER thought I would get this opportunity to try so many of their lovely products just by writing a blog I had fully intended to be purely a hobby! 

I've been blogging 4 weeks today! So I'd just like to say a MASSIVE thank-you to you readers! Every single follow and comment means the world to me and really brightens my otherwise gloomy days!!

Thanks Lovelies!
- Emily xx


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