Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Yankee Candle Sampler Haul

If you know me you know that I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with candles. Any candles really but more so Yankee candles. The day I found out that ASDA sold the samplers for around £1 each was probably one of the happiest days of my life. Yes. It's that serious.

This Christmas my friends and family indulged this love of candles and I have been well and truly spoilt. I thought I would share what I received and say a little about them - because who doesn't love a candle right?

The beautiful Candle Plate is from my Housemate Sophie, she understands the candle love and this is exactly my taste. She knows me well. The Sampler Holder is from my Brother who again knows the obsession with samplers and knows that I didn't actually have a proper Sampler Holder. I am in love with this right now. The candle I'm currently burning is Christmas Eve which I have wanted for AGES and for some reason I'm never able to get my hands on it! It is probably one of my all time favourite scents and I really want to get the big jar of this next year.

Cinnamon Stick is a old favourite of mine, I'm a big fan of spicy autumn scents.
Orange Splash isn't one I would normally pick up but it actually smells great and I think this will be nice in the summer.
Vanilla Chai is definitely my sort of thing, spicy and sweet it smells delicious!

Vanilla Bourbon Slightly aftershave-ish but I love it. Spicy, Sweet... are you seeing a theme?
Black Coconut my brother brought me this because it's his favourite. Yeah. It's fine though because I love it as well.
Cappuccino Coffee Chocolate and Coffee... need I say more?

Christmas Treats One I brought myself before Christmas. Sweet and festive, smells a bit like biscuits.
Vanilla Honey Not the scent I expected but it still smells great. I think this would be great in Spring.

Tarte Tatin Apples, Spice and everything nice. YUM. 
Lovely Kiku Another one from my brother. He brought this for mum about a year ago and although she is yet to light it, every time I go into her room I have to open it and smell. It's SO nice. I love floral scents in spring and summer so I will be very happy to burn this later on in the year. 

That's all for today's post. I actually love candles. As I'm sure by now you are aware. 

What's your favourite Yankee candle? 
Make sure you come back tomorrow for some Blogging Tips - Getting Organised in 2016



  1. Replies
    1. They do! I love my local ASDA for it haha! Thanks for reading Heather xx


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