Sunday 9 June 2013

30 Day Snap! Day 8 and 9!

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry that I'm rubbish at posting at the moment! I promise you will be reading much more interesting posts in the near future but at the moment I'm in a revision frenzy (joy!), which means I've got limited time to even think of blog posts let alone write them!

So enough with the moaning, here is Day 8 and 9 of the 30 Day Snap for you.
But as I said it's been a pretty boring 2 days! 

Saturday consisted of eating my body weight in Pringle's and reading through my revision sheets.
The Pringle's made this task much easier! 

Oh and this is what I got up to today... surprised?? I'm not! This was pre-attempting to make a mind-map for Child Development (a topic for my exam). I ended up screwing my mind map into a ball, giving up and  just writing cue cards to help me revise!  *Note to self... never bother making mind maps again!*

Overall, I've done nothing interesting at all... Sorry guys! 
What did you guys get up to this weekend? I hope it was better than mine! 
- Emily xx


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