Saturday 15 October 2016

TV Shows I Should Really Watch (& You Should Too!)

Seeing as I'm trying out this whole freelance thing at the moment whilst I'm job hunting, I'm spending quite a lot of my time trawling the internet looking for opportunities, which also means quite a lot of time to watch some Netflix in the background. With the uni season well under way I know a lot of you are going to be jumping at the bit to get into bed, get cozy in some PJs and whack out the Netflix, so I thought it would be a great time to crack out another list, but this time about something that everyone can enjoy... a good TV series.  

Grab yourself a cuppa, because it's going to be a long one! (Or jump to the end for a condensed list!) 

1. True Blood - True Blood is a "dark fantasy horror" series set in Louisiana, and follows are main character Sookie who finds herself falling in love with a Vampire. The story develops rapidly from there and to be honest, it's a guilty pleasure show. I started watching this at Uni with my housemate but we never got round to watching the final season so I'm hoping to finish that one soon! You can find all 8 seasons on Sky. 

2. Reign - Reign is another series I started at Uni and didn't get round to finishing, it follows Mary Queen of Scots in her younger years as she is forced into the french court for her safety. It's a show that pulls at my heart strings and I literally spent hours crying over the end of the second season. I still need to finish the third season but I highly recommend it if you're looking for a period drama to cry over. All 3 seasons are on Netflix. 

3. Vampire Diaries - I've watched about 18 episodes of the first season of Vampire Diaries but I don't remember any of it! So this one I may as well be starting from the beginning! I have a soft spot for vampire stories and I will probably move on to this once I've finished True Blood.  All 6 seasons are on Netflix. 

4. Stranger Things - I've actually finished this series now but I wanted to include it because OMG it's so good, so strange and if you haven't watched it but you love shows that totally confuse you and are a little bit creepy then this is for you. Totally recommend! You can watch this on Netflix!

5. Jessica Jones -  If you're a fan of Marvel and really strong female leads then you will adore this. I won't go into the details of this one as I feel like the Marvel world is too in-depth to explain in a short sentence. But if you're a fan of X-Men or superheroes in general then you will love this (It also stars David Tennent FYI) You can watch this on Netflix! 

6. Hemlock Grove - This is another series that I've recently finished and if you are a fan of the super weird then this is for you. It's totally bizarre, slightly American Horror Story-esqe, and completely captivating! If you're looking for a horror/dark fantasy show to get your teeth into then this is a great bet! You can watch all 3 seasons on Netflix. 

7. Braindead - This is a comic-thriller set in the world of Washington, D.C., politics that follows Laurel, a young, fresh-faced Hill staffer who discovers two things: the government has stopped working, and bugs are eating the brains of Congress members and Hill staffers. << Well that's what the amazon description says! I've yet to start this one but it does sound awesome. You can watch this on Amazon Prime or Buy the individual episodes. 

8. Parks & Recreation - More commonly known as Parks and Rec, this is a comedy following the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana. It's hilarious, dry humour that you will love if you're a fan of The Office! You can watch all 7 seasons on Amazon Prime or Buy the individual episodes. 

9. Zoo - From what I can grasp, this is about a society where the animals begin to revolt against humanity and it follows a Zoologist who is trying to determine what's happening and why. It's meant to be action-packed and full of suspense so I'm really looking forward to seeing what this is like! You can watch this on Netflix. 

10. The Goodwife - This is a courtroom drama and again has a really strong female lead, I can't count the amount this has been recommended to me and I really need to get started on this one as it seems super intense and really addictive! You can watch all 6 seasons on Netflix.

11. Suits - Another courtroom based comedy/drama, my boyfriend loves this show and it's another one that has been recommended to me time and time again so it's another that I really should think about getting to soon! You can watch all 4 seasons on Netflix. 

12. Lucifer - This is probably one of my most anticipated shows to watch right now and it is totally up my street. As you may have guessed from the title Lucifer is a show about the devil himself. Apart from he's bored of being the devil and retires to the City of Angels and joins up with an LAPD detective to solve crimes. Doesn't this just sound amazing? Also, the actor who plays Lucifer is mighty dishy so that helps. You can watch the first 2 seasons on Amazon Prime or Buy the individual episodes.

13. Preacher -  "Preacher" is a supernatural, twisted and darkly comedic drama that follows a West Texas preacher named Jesse Custer, who is inhabited by a mysterious entity that causes him to develop a highly unusual power."  I couldn't rephrase this any better so I thought it would be easier to let you see what amazon said about it. Again it sounds right up my street and I'm super keen to give this one a watch. You can watch the first 2 seasons on Amazon Prime or Buy the individual episodes. 

14. White Collar - From what I can make out this is about a con-man that is helping the FBI, it sounds like a lot of fun and I imagine it will probably be quite funny as well as action packed! You can watch all 6 seasons on Netflix.

15. Grimm - I've partially watched Grimm and have absolutely no idea where I'm up to, but it's a show loosely based on the Grimm's fairy tales and is full of fantastical beings, danger, comedy, excitement and pretty much everything that you could ask for in a show. Think Once Upon a Time but much darker! You should be able to watch this on Sky Box Sets (Assuming it is still available). 

16. Being Human - In the first 3 seasons, this follows the lives of George (a werewolf), Annie (a ghost) and Mitchell (a vampire) and then progresses in the 4th & 5th seasons featuring a predominantly different cast. This series is absolutely amazing though and I highly recommend it! I finished it recently and the ending was super emotional and a perfect closure to the series! You can watch all 5 seasons on Netflix.

This definitely turned into a longer post than I had anticipated! Hopefully, it was a helpful post to those of you looking for a new series to delve into and if you couldn't be bothered to read the full post but just want to know where you can watch the shows I've cut out all the hard work for you and listed them description free below.

Sky Box Sets
Grimm (5 seasons) 
True Blood (8 seasons) 

Being Human (5 seasons)
White Collar  (6 seasons)
Suits (4 seasons) 
The Goodwife (6 seasons) 
Zoo (1 season) 
Hemlock Grove (3 seasons) 
Jessica Jones (1 season) 
Stranger Things (1 season)
Vampire Diaries (6 seasons) 
Reign (3 seasons) 

Amazon Prime
Preacher (2 seasons) 
Lucifer (2 seasons) 
Parks and Recreation (7 seasons) 
Braindead (1 season) 

I'd love to know your favourite shows in the comments, especially if it's one of the ones I've listed above!


1 comment

  1. I love suits! I got lost for a while but once I started binge watching it I got right back into it. I've also heard that white collar is a wonderful show so I definitely wanna start that too! Great post :)
    Kathy x


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